Tierras y Aguas

New webinar series on rainwater harvesting! Register to the first module on “Introduction to rainwater harvesting”, 31 May and 7 June 2022 >>>

FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa (NENA) is hosting a series of webinars on rainwater harvesting (RWH) to support knowledge exchange and debate on RWH applications and illustrate, with country examples, the diversity of approaches. The webinars will demonstrate the options to unlock the potential of rainwater harvesting applications in the NENA region by highlighting the role of rainwater management in overcoming the current challenges in achieving water security. 

This webinar series is implemented within the framework of the Water Scarcity Initiative of the FAO Regional Office and with the support of the regional SIDA-funded project “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/ Productivity and Sustainability in NENA countries”. The webinars are organized jointly between FAO, ICARDA and ICID, along with other partner institutions. The webinar series is starting on 31 May and will extend until the end of the year. More information is available here.

We are kindly inviting you to attend the first module of this webinar series under the title “Introduction to rainwater harvesting” comprising two sessions on “Setting-the-scene” (31 May 2022) and “Showcasing global and regional RHW applications for agro-ecosystems and cropping systems” (7 June 2022).

For more information and to register to the webinars, visit the dedicated webpage here >>>