Terres et eaux

New FAO-UN-Water report tracks progress towards SDG 6 targets

Few countries have the natural and financial resources to further enhance water supplies for human use. The alternative is to use the available resources more efficiently. The global indicator on water-use efficiency tracks to what extent a country’s economic growth is dependent on the use of water resources, and enables policy- and decision-makers to target interventions at sectors with high water use and low levels of improved efficiency over time. This indicator addresses the economic component of the target 6.4. In this report, you can learn more about the baseline situation for water-use efficiency. This report is part of a series that track progress towards the various targets set out in SDG 6 using the SDG global indicators. To learn more about water and sanitation in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6.

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