Terres et eaux

New website of the Building Forward Better Initiative >>>

The Building Forward Better Initiative addresses countries in fragility and contributes to reduce the technical and knowledge gap hallmarking vulnerable contexts.

Improving natural resources management and boosting national human capital is key to increase agricultural productivity, improve food security and progress towards the SDGs.

This enriched website provides information on the Initiative and its activities. It is a platform that allows to navigate through the plentiful training materials produced during the first (e-learning nuggets) and second (online administered courses) phases of the Initiative.

Originally presented to the trainees from the three target countries – Libya, Mali and Niger – , all technical contents are now available to all. 

The website provides valuable opportunities for self-learning in different thematic areas: Water Productivity, Water Use Efficiency, Land Resources Planning, Hydro-Economic Modelling, Integrated Drought Management, Water Harvesting and Agroforestry, Renewable Energy for Irrigation, and more.

The training materials have been produced by the FAO Land and Water Division, in collaboration with more than 50 international partners, including international organizations, universities, research and academic centers, and private companies.

With the Initiative entering its third phase, the website will be further enriched with additional resources, engaging renowned sector experts, and virtual field demonstrations.

For complete information and the latest news about the Building Forward Better Initiative, please check out the new website at https://www.fao.org/in-action/building-forward-better/en/