
New WaPOR publication "Water accounting in the Niger River Basin" available online!

The Niger River Basin is one of the largest transboundary river basins, covering a wide range of latitudes and longitudes. The climate over its area is diverse and the water availability is affected by high rainfall variability, with long periods of drought and damaging floods. There are many opportunities for water resources development in the basin, however, their realization may be challenged by socio-economic limitations and lack of an overview of the state of the water resources of the basin. Moreover, limited or lack of up-to-date ground observations, in terms of duration, completeness and quality of hydro-meteorological records, makes it difficult to draw an appropriate picture of the water resources conditions.

The Water Accounting Plus (WA+) system designed by IHE Delft in collaboration with FAO and IWMI has been applied to gain full insights into the state of the water resources in the basin.

This report describes the water accounting study for the Niger River Basin carried out by IHE-Delft, using WaPOR, FAO’s portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data.

Check out the new publication here.