
Check out the new FAO report "Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food security and nutrition in Small Island Developing States"!

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are the diamonds in our endless oceans. Their unique ecosystems, scenic landscapes and much-pictured coastlines form the vast assets of the island inhabitants and are the core value of a flourishing tourisector. 

Yet, the report "Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food security and nutrition in Small Island Developing States" developed by the FAO Land and Water Division, also shows the downside of the SIDS boundedness. The prevailing limited suitable land and water resources and high dependency of imported foods result in a widespread food insecurity and a high risk of micronutrient deficiencies. The obvious fragility of the food systems in SIDS emphasizes the need to improve production, especially of fresh and healthy foods. The contribution of freshwater management to food security and nutrition is pivotal and has become even more relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic as SIDS grapple with blocked transport lines and a tourism sector that has come to a standstill. Indeed the SIDS are facing a raft of challenges to secure their food and nutrition, and maintain the high quality of their island natural resources and coastal ecosystems. 

This report presents a road map where appropriate water governance, legislation, control and enforcement as well as institutional and inter-island collaboration should replace the short term sighted reaping of benefits that degrade the surface and ground waters. The most important assets to manage the water resources and obtain a food secure situation on the islands are the SIDS inhabitants because they understand the value of conservation and appreciate the innovations needed to preserve the quality of their fragile islands. 

Download the new report "Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food security and nutrition in Small Island Developing States" >>>

Also check out the "Observations and key messages on freshwater management for food security and nutrition in Small Island Developing States" >>>