The manual on FAO water stress plugin for WEAP is now available in English, French and Spanish
The plugin assesses the SDG indicator 6.4.2 at the basin and sub-basin levels
The instruction manual for the new water stress plugin for the Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) is now available in English, French and Spanish. The plugin was developed by FAO in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute's U.S. Center (SEI) for the calculation of the SDG indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources” by river basin and sub-basin.
With this new plugin, countries will be able to assess the SDG 6.4.2 at basin and sub-basin level providing a different and more hydrologically sound view on the dynamics of water resources and their use. The plugin allows exploring the spatial and interannual trends of the level of water stress within a basin avoiding any multiple counting of its freshwater resources and taking into consideration the needs of water supply of the different sections of the basin.