Земельные и водные ресурсы


В этом разделе представлены новостные статьи о работе ФАО в области земельных и водных ресурсов. 


The new WaPOR applications catalogue compiles case studies and resources in the domain of water productivity, including a wide range of applications of WaPOR data, and the varying contexts in which it is used. WaPOR is FAO's publicly accessible data portal for monitoring water productivity in agriculture, a crucial sector to...
Increasing understanding of the role that secure water resources tenure plays in ensuring sustainable livelihoods, just resource governance, environmental protection, and sustainable economic development has led FAO to re-kindle the debate that had begun in 2012, when the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and...
The world is facing high rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the capacity of microorganisms to resist medicines used to treat infections. This is a major global threat of increasing concern to human and animal health, especially in the shadow of the COVID-19 global health crisis. AMR has indeed implications on...
Безопасная утилизация отходов жизнедеятельности человека позволяет экономить воду, сокращать выбросы парниковых газов и улавливать их для использования в производстве энергии, а также обеспечивает сельское хозяйство надежным источником воды и питательных веществ.
The Niger River Basin is one of the largest transboundary river basins, covering a wide range of latitudes and longitudes. The climate over its area is diverse and the water availability is affected by high rainfall variability, with long periods of drought and damaging floods. There are many opportunities for...
Coastal reservoirs can harness storm water and provide water storage for coastal agriculture when inland reservoirs are insufficient.  Rapid urbanization requires very large water storages to supply water to growing cities for food and agriculture production and drinking water purposes. Coastal reservoir is an innovative concept of storing flood water from...