



The new WaPOR applications catalogue compiles case studies and resources in the domain of water productivity, including a wide range of applications of WaPOR data, and the varying contexts in which it is used. WaPOR is FAO's publicly accessible data portal for monitoring water productivity in agriculture, a crucial sector to...
Increasing understanding of the role that secure water resources tenure plays in ensuring sustainable livelihoods, just resource governance, environmental protection, and sustainable economic development has led FAO to re-kindle the debate that had begun in 2012, when the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and...
The world is facing high rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the capacity of microorganisms to resist medicines used to treat infections. This is a major global threat of increasing concern to human and animal health, especially in the shadow of the COVID-19 global health crisis. AMR has indeed implications on...
对人类废弃物的安全再利用有助于节约用水,减少温室气体排放,用捕获的温室气体生产能源,为农业提供可靠的水和养分来源。 气候变化不断加剧。洪水、干旱和海平面上升威胁着从厕所到化粪池再到处理厂的整个卫生设施系统。洪水会污染饮用水井,还会冲坏厕所,将人类废弃物散播到社区和粮食作物中,引发致命性疾病和慢性疾病,危害作物和食品安全。
The Niger River Basin is one of the largest transboundary river basins, covering a wide range of latitudes and longitudes. The climate over its area is diverse and the water availability is affected by high rainfall variability, with long periods of drought and damaging floods. There are many opportunities for...
Coastal reservoirs can harness storm water and provide water storage for coastal agriculture when inland reservoirs are insufficient.  Rapid urbanization requires very large water storages to supply water to growing cities for food and agriculture production and drinking water purposes. Coastal reservoir is an innovative concept of storing flood water from...
The Building Forward Better (BFB) Initiative applies an innovative approach to capacity development, which includes online administered and self-administered, blended, and face-to-face training programme to address existing knowledge gaps in countries affected by vulnerable conditions. The participatory process fosters the selection of topics according to national priorities, and the flexible...