



The World Agriculture Watch (WAW) and the National Confederation of Family Farmers' Organizations from the Philippines, PAKISAMA of Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka, share common views and interest regarding the need to develop information systems to strengthen family farmers’ organizations (FOs). Indeed, information systems are a real asset for...
Water scarcity is already widespread and remains on the rise: it is found in nearly every region in the world. Around 36% of the world’s population is currently living in water-scarce regions. This publication shows that avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation have positive long-term gains...
This morning, over 70 members of the FAO Land and Water Division led by their Director Eduardo Mansur, met online to celebrate the World Water Day 2020 “Water and Climate Change” and to discuss how the water sector can tackle climate change. FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo kicked off the...
The Nyagatare district located in the Eastern Province of Rwanda is Rwanda’s breadbasket - a vast area of agricultural land providing food for the entire country. The people of this district are mainly farmers, rearing livestock and cultivating crops...
In the context of reporting on the SDG indicator 6.4.2, FAO has just launched new language versions of the e-learning course on level of water stress. It is part of a series of e-learning courses on SDG indicators. Water stress affects countries on every continent. High water stress has many...