Земельные и водные ресурсы

Training on Natural Resources Assessment for Syrian Experts

From 03/09/2018 To 14/09/2018
Location: FAO HQ, Rome, Italy

The Training will welcome 15 Experts from Syria to be introduced to a number of FAO tools and methodologies to support sustainable natural resources management in the country. The Training is organized within the framework of the Project “Technical Cooperation for Long-Term Capacity Building for Syrian Experts - Training for All”. This project is funded by the Government of Japan and is a joint UN project with the aim to maintain and improve Syrian human capital in various fields by providing multi-sectoral training opportunities to keep up and upgrade the skills and knowledge of Syrian women and men for mid- and long-term resilience building.

The two weeks training will offer a space for learning and discussion on the advancement of sustainable natural resources management in Syria. The topics of the training include: sustainable land, soil and water management, SDG 6, land cover classification, and various tools and methodologies including AQUASTATWater Productivity Open-access portal (WaPOR)Agriculture Stress Index System (ASIS)Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS)Land Degradation Assessment in Dryland (LADA) and OpenForis among others.

The complete agenda for the training can be downloaded here.