Terres et eaux

Publications and CD-Roms

No. Title. Year Type File
RAP Publications
25 The next wave. Outcomes of the regional workshop on information management and coordination mechanisms of tsunami emergency and rehabilitation operations in agriculture, fisheries and forestry (English) 2006 Paper
RAP Publications
20 Arsenic contamination of irrigation water, soil and crops in Bangladesh: risk implications for sustainable agriculture and food safety in Asia (English) 2006 Paper
RAP Publications
17 Report of the regional workshop on rehabilitation of agriculture in tsunami affected areas: one and a half years later (English) 2006 Report
RAP Publications
14 Flood management and mitigation in the Mekong River Basin (English) 1999 Proceedings
RAP Publications
11 Report of the regional workshop on salt-affected soils from sea water intrusion: strategies for rehabilitation and management (English) 2005 Report
RAP Publications
9 Investment in land and water (English) 2002 Proceedings
RAP Publications
6 The FAO-ESCAP pilot project on national water visions. From vision to action: a synthesis of experiences in Southeast Asia (English) 2001 Report
Land and Water Discussion papers
19 Revaluing multiple-use water services for food and water security 2023 Paper
Land and Water Discussion papers
18 Future proofing agriculture systems - Circular sanitation economies for more resilient and sustainable food systems 2021 Paper
Land and Water Discussion papers
17 Water productivity, the yield gap, and nutrition - The case of Ethiopia 2021 Paper