
Satisfying the increased demand for food is placing pressure on the world’s land, soil and water resources. Agriculture has its part to play in alleviating these pressures and contributing positively to climate and development goals. Sustainable agricultural practices can lead to direct improvements in the state of land, soil and water, and generate ecosystem benefits as well as reduce emissions from land. Accomplishing all these requires accurate information and a major change in how we manage these resources. It also requires complementing efforts from outside the natural resources management domain to maximize synergies and manage trade-offs.

The objective of SOLAW 2021 is to build awareness of the status of land and water resources, highlighting the risks, and informing on related opportunities and challenges. It also aims to underline the essential contribution of appropriate policies, institutions and investments.
The SOLAW 2021 Synthesis Report highlights the major risks and trends related to land, soil and water resources, and presents the means for resolving competition among users and generating the desirable benefits for people and the environment. The Report provides an update of the knowledge base and presents a suite of responses and actions to inform decision-makers in the public, private, and civil sectors to make an informed transformation from degradation and vulnerability toward sustainability and resilience.