FAO in Lao People's Democratic Republic



Vientiane, 24 April 2019

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Laos and Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry organised the workshop to prepare for any possible outbreak of the African Swine Fever (ASF).

Mr. Narsar Hayat, FAO representative to Lao PDR while giving the opening remark said “we need to be prepared for any disease outbreak because it causes serious losses to farmers”.

The key message ”ASF Prevention and Control is everyone responsibility” from FAO representative was sent to all relevant stakeholders.  Meanwhile, co-chair Dr. Somphan Chanphengxay, General Director of Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry also called for close collaboration with government agencies and private sectors to quickly respond to ASF threat.

There were around 60 participants from relevant sectors such as the Veterinary Division from Department of Livestock and Fishery of Luangnamtha and Bolikhamxay provinces, CP company, border checkpoint officers and other stakeholders.

The two day workshop will make recommendations on preparedness against any possible outbreak in Lao PDR.