FAO in Lao People's Democratic Republic

FAOR Mr. Nasar Hayat handed over agriculture input to farming households in Attapue province


August 6th, Attapue province— FAO is implementing the Project “Restoring Food and Nutrition Security of Flood Affected Vulnerable Population in Attapeu Province, Lao PDR” in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) to provide food and nutrition security, and diversification of food sources for the flood affected households in Sanamxay district of Attapeu province. Government of the French Republic.

Mr. Nasar Hayat, Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) handed over 550 kg of sweet corn seeds to 1,100 farming households in the7 target villages i.e. Had Yao, Sompoi, Ta Ngao, Had Oudomxay, Pak Bor, Done and Tamoryord villages that were  affected during the 2018 dam burst and floods in Attapue province. During the ceremony, he remarked” Disasters damage livelihoods and assets of affected population and we need to work together not only for rehabilitation but also focus on building resilience of farmers against such events”.

During a day visit, the FAOR to Lao PDR met with Mr. Phonpaserth Thongsithvong, Acting Director of Attapue Provincial Office for Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) and other key PAFO’s officials to discuss project progress, strengths and challenges of implementing the project activities as well as possible cooperation on development of livelihood and agriculture sectors in medium-term / long-term.  FAOR also visited the temporary residence for affected area residents in Sanamxay district as well as talked to flood affected villagers who were the project beneficiaries on establishment of kitchen gardens in their temporary shelters to produce nutritious food for household consumption, and their needs and challenges for gardening.     

Distribution of agriculture input will contribute to improved food and nutrition security, and diversification of food sources for the flood affected families and promote food diversification.