FAO in Lao People's Democratic Republic

FAO extends support for food systems transformation


A National Consultation on Food Systems Transformation took place in Vientiane on Friday to discuss the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and the so-called 5F crisis.

5F refers to the increased price of food, feed, fuel and fertiliser and more difficult finance, which today are putting even more pressure on food systems.

Two years ago, all partners and stakeholders engaged in agri-food systems in Laos participated in a National Dialogue on Food Systems, leading to the formulation of a National Pathway for Food Systems Transformation.

Speaking at the meeting, Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Mr Nasar Hayat, said “We found that the relevance of this Pathway remains but some elements of context have changed since 2021.”

“We need to review this collective effort and identify old and new actions and accelerators to transform this Pathway into concrete actions.”

However, this is a work in progress because food systems are affected by a myriad of factors that can change, Mr Hayat said.

Over the past few months, the FAO has supported the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to identify enabling factors and priorities to initiate a deep and sustainable transformation of agri-food systems.

This work has involved numerous ministries and development partners and focused on processes to strengthen the engagement of people and organisations.

“This agenda is considered as a top priority by our Secretary General and Director General, who will host a high-level global stocktaking event next month to review progress and renew their support to countries,” Mr Hayat said.

“We are supporting Laos to prepare for and contribute to this event.”

Let’s recognise and take into consideration that food systems transformation is a long-term agenda and that the crisis we are currently facing is unfortunately expected to last, he added.

Director General of Planning and Cooperation Department, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr Thatsaka Saphangthong said the agriculture sector plays a key role in food systems, firstly because it supports the production of food.

“Agriculture also sequestrates and emits carbon and preserves (or affects) natural resources and life on earth depending on what choices are made by farmers, consumers and decision makers,” he said.

“But agriculture is not alone here and the dialogue about food systems needs to be extended to other sectors. For example, the trade sector buys, imports and exports food, organizes food markets and plays key roles in the processing and marketing of agri-food products. As such it is critical to this agenda.”

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