FAO in Lao People's Democratic Republic

FAO and ministries review success of wetlands climate change adaptation project

FAO and a high-level delegation visit a wetlands in Lao PDR.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment in collaboration with the Food and AgricultureOrganisation of the United Nations (FAO) last week organised a high-level field visit toreview the success of the Climate Change Adaptation in Wetland Areas project.

The project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, has been implemented over 7.5years with a budget of US$4.7 million.

The Greater Xe Champhon Wetlands in Savannakhet province, the project’s major pilot site,is a vital freshwater ecosystem home to many globally threatened species. It also providesvital resources for local communities, who rely on the wetlands for food and livelihood.

Prior to the close of the project on September 30 this year, a report on the progress made todate was presented during the visit to the project site in Champhone district.

The delegation was led by Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Mrs PhonevanhOuthavong, and included FAO Representative in Laos, Mr Nasar Hayat, Director General ofthe Department of International Cooperation, Mrs Sisomboun Ounavong, and representativesof other ministries.

The FAO has been a key partner in Laos’ journey towards sustainable development since1975. Focusing on agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other related sectors, the FAO has beeninstrumental in promoting food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture, among othercrucial objectives.

The Climate Change Adaptation in Wetland Areas project is a key element of the FAO’ssupport to Laos, particularly within the Country Programming Framework.

The objective of the visit was to enable the delegation to gain first-hand knowledge of theproject’s implementation, identify challenges and opportunities, and assess the effectivenessof the project in achieving its objectives.

The delegation met with local government officials, partners and project beneficiaries to discuss the progress, challenges and impact of the project.

The initiative sought to tackle climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in wetland areas, contributing to the sustainability of community food security andlivelihoods, and improving natural resources management.

Despite the challenges faced due to climate change impacts, mainly floods, combined with local community and development pressures, the project has worked tirelessly to protectand improve the management of the wetland’s ecological, natural and water resources.

This been done through a combination of improved planning and governance conditions, direct investments in climate change and natural disaster adaptation measures, efforts tosupport the restoration and sustainable management of wetlands and fisheries, and diversification of wetland, on-farm and off-farm livelihood options for local communities.

