FAO in Lao People's Democratic Republic

Country Programming Framework 2022-2026 (CPF) agreed between government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO) for the period reflects important priorities in national development policies and programs under the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan Financing Strategy (2023-2025).

The Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2022-2026 highlights the strategic priorities, key areas of technical cooperation, and country-level programming activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The three priority outcomes are:

1. People’s well-being: By 2026, people, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised, will have more equitable and inclusive access to and will benefit from better quality health, nutrition, food, shelter, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and education and learning, including during emergencies.

2. Inclusive Prosperity: By 2026, peopale, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised, will benefit from more inclusive, resilient, transformative, and sustainable socio-economic and demographic opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities.

3. Environment, climate change and resilience: By 2026, people, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised, and institutions will be better able to sustainably access, manage, preserve, and benefit from natural resources.

  • 02 October - World Habitat Day
  • 07 October - World Cotton Day
  • 10 October - World Mental Health Day
  • 13 October - International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 
  • 15 October - International Day of Rural Women 
  • 16 October - World Food Day
  • 17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 
  • 24 October - United Nations Day
  • 31 October - World Cities Day