
High-level conference targets sustainable future for fisheries and aquaculture


Lebanon will be joining other stakeholders this October in Malta for the GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives: Transformative actions to address new challenges

The event comes six years after the launch of the MedFish4Ever Ministerial Declaration, in which ministers and high-level representatives of 16 countries and the European Commission committed ‘to strengthen governance for Mediterranean fisheries’ over the following decade through a series of ambitious targets and activities.

The gathering is an opportunity to take stock of the advances that have been made since then towards sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and in particular to discuss the areas where increased action is needed. It will build on a previous GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives which took place in Marrakesh in 2019.

Recent crises, from the pandemic to extreme weather events, have made progress more challenging in fisheries and aquaculture alike, and underline the need for reinforced ambition and greater adaptation as we look to the future.

The conference will open on 3 October with a series of multi-disciplinary panels to explore the key challenges the sector faces, and consider potential solutions moving forwards. Covering issues including adapting to change, attracting a new generation of professionals, and socially and ecologically viable value chains, the sessions will include both keynote speeches and expert discussion.

These will be followed on the second day by a high-level session during which ministers and their representatives will explain how they plan to accelerate their countries’ commitments to deliver on the sustainability pledges from the MedFish4Ever declaration, defining the outlook – and the challenges and opportunities – for the future of this vital sector.

On the night of the 3rd, delegates will come together at a celebratory event and official dinner, which will also see the presentation of awards for innovative practices in fisheries and aquaculture (stay tuned to @UN_FAO_GFCM for more information on how to submit your project).

You can find out more about the High-level conference here. If you’re interested in participating, you’re invited to complete this online form to register.