The Development Law Service

Legislative Guidelines on Crimes in the Fisheries Sector

22/02/2022 24/02/2022

Today the Expert Group Meeting convened for the development of a Legislative Guide on combatting crimes in the fisheries sector, intended to support States in enacting or strengthening domestic legislation to prevent and combat these illicit activities, which can represent a lucrative market for organized criminal groups.

The development of such Legislative Guide in collaboration with relevant partners is part of a larger effort initiated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that is focused on the operational implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) to prevent and combat crimes that affect the environment, including waste trafficking, illegal mining, timber trafficking and crimes in the fisheries sector. The Guide will complement the existing Guide on Drafting Legislation to Combat Wildlife Crime, launched by UNODC in 2018, as well as the Legislative Guide on Waste Trafficking, which will be published in 2021.

The meeting is organized by UNODC in collaboration with the Legal Services for Development (LEGN). 

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