Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo

FAO's Development Law Service participates in the Global Seminar on strengthening regulations to protect pollinators from pesticides


On 23 and 24 February 2022, the Development Law Service (LEGN) participated in the Global Seminar on strengthening regulations to protect pollinators from pesticides. Experts from recognized research institutions and international organizations involved in the matter participated in the seminar, which stressed the importance of protecting pollinators as a basis for the conservation of biodiversity as well as the transition to more sustainable and resilient food systems capable of ensuring food security and nutrition for all.

At the plenary session, Bill Garthwaite, International Legal Expert for the FAO, presented the FAO Review of Existing Legislation to Protect Pollinators from Pesticides in Selected Countries. The study conducted a thorough assessment of the current legal provisions in force with potential implications for the protection of pollinators from pesticides in a total of ten countries: Dominica, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

As a result of the assessment conducted, at least 17 legal elements, relating to the protection of pollinators from pesticides, were identified in the national legislation of the countries reviewed. Among the key conclusions reached by the study, the expert emphasized that the major legal entry points for this purpose reside in pesticides and beekeeping legislation. However, only a handful of countries have taken steps to protect pollinators under biodiversity legislation.

Carmen Bullón, Legal Officer of FAO, moderated the parallel session on Policy and legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides, where priorities for action were discussed. Participants acknowledged the importance of developing guidelines to strengthen national and regional legislation. Similarly, national legislation should be strengthened by setting binding targets and assigning clear legal powers as well as the need to ensure compliance, monitoring, and enforcement. For the latter, engagement of all relevant stakeholders is essential.

The presentations and recording of the sessions are available at: