Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo

Two leading thinkers in the field of human rights and environmental law reflect on the interdependence of human rights and the environment in the context of international law.


The FAO Development Law Service has just published a new Legal Paper on Human Rights and the Environment. Authored by two leading thinkers in the field of international human rights and environmental law (John H. Knox-

Wake Forest University; and Elisa Morgera-University of Strathclyde), the Legal Paper explores the interdependence between human rights law and environmental law. They show how the many implications of this interdependence for the development and implementation of national laws on agricultural development and the management of renewable natural resources, ranging from land, water, fisheries, plants, and animals, to food, forestry, wildlife, biodiversity and trade laws.  


This Legal Paper offers valuable insights into the Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment and other international and regional instruments, and provides guidance on how they can be put into practice. Legal experts advising on the development or review of national legislation in all aspects of natural resource governance will find a useful analysis of the most recent developments in the field, and some practical steps to contribute to the implementation of the internal agenda on human rights and the environment. 


The Legal Paper is currently available in English at this link.  

For more information, please contact [email protected]