Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo

Sustainability Laws: Legal Strategies for Inclusive Agriculture and Natural Resources Management


Sustainability has become an ever-increasingconcern, influencing not only environmental practices but also economic and social processes. The need for legislation that fosters sustainability across all three pillars - economic growth, social inclusion and equity, and environmental protection - is more critical than ever.  

A new Legal Brief, Agriculture and natural resources governance: legal tools for inclusive and sustainable transformation, which is based on the publication "Legislative Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Governance", presents an overview of keylegal tools and mechanisms recommended for thepromotionof inclusive and sustainable transformation in agriculture and natural resources management. 

The Sustainable Development Goals provide a policy framework for sustainable development, emphasizing the need to meet current needs without compromising future generations. Achieving this balance requires policies and regulatory frameworks that prioritize economic progress, social inclusion, and environmental protection equally.  

The Legal Brief stresses that any legislative measures must consider the impact on all three pillars of sustainability, and that it should be guided byinternationally recognized principles. 

In addition, the Brief highlights several legal tools and mechanisms which can be incorporated into legislation to promote sustainability: 

  • Impact Assessments: regulatory impact assessments and environmental and social impact assessments help identify the economic, social, and environmental impacts of legislative changes and ensure that potential negative consequences are addressed. 

  • Regulatory Coherence: coherence of regulatory frameworks across sectors is essential for effective resource management. Planning, land use or resource classification changes, and the establishment of decision-making or advisory bodies all contribute to regulatory coherence. 

  • Access to Resources: legislation must define who can access specific resources, the scope of access, and the conditions associated with it.  

  • Protecting Labor Rights: legislation should include provisions for the protection of labor rights, such as occupational safety and worker protection, ensuring decent working conditions across sectors. 

  • Benefit Sharing: mechanisms for sharing benefits arising from resource use, such as fiscal and non-fiscal benefits and community development agreements, should be established in legislation. 

  • Fiscal Incentives: tax breaks, cash rebates and payments for ecosystem services can encourage sustainable resource management and development. 

  • Certification: legislation can establish certification and labeling systems to promote sustainable practices, access to markets and product quality. 

  • Protecting Natural Resources: legal provisions for protected areas, genetic resources, and other measures should be included to safeguard vital ecological assets. 

Finally, the Legal Brief emphasizes the need for coherence, balance, and adaptability in legislation. By recognizing the interconnected nature of these sectors and embracing the guiding principles of sustainability, countries can build a foundation for a more equitable and environmentally responsible future.