Service du droit pour le développement

NEW legal brief for parliamentarians on “Legislating to promote family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean”


Family farming is essential for rural development and for achieving food and nutritional security for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. Legislating about it sets permanent regulatory foundations for appropriate policies in this area. Furthermore, legislation is a valuable tool to incorporate diversified food systems, increasing resilience to climate change and the sustainable use of natural resources. Parliamentarians are key in promoting this kind of legislation.

This legal brief is the number nine of the “Legal Briefs for Parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean” series which focusses on regulatory practices in the region with regard to various aspects of the right to adequate food. Each legal brief highlights the importance of parliamentarians and their networks, such as the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger. They conclude with a list of recommended actions to each topic.

The brief was launched by the Development Law Service (LEGN) together with the project to support the Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean hunger-free 2025 of the Spain-FAO Program for Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, during the fifth chapter of the Zero Hunger Parliamentary Sessions. In this event, legislators from the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger met, via videoconference, to share their experiences and regulatory challenges related to food security and sustainable agriculture in times of pandemic and post-pandemic, with a focus on family farming. 

The legal brief is available at (only in Spanish):       

For more information, please contact [email protected].