Служба разработки законодательства

Legislation and its role in combating AMR in Latin America


The regional project "Working together to fight Antimicrobial Resistance", was funded by the European Union (EU) and was jointly managed and coordinated by three organizations in the region, FAO, WOAH (founded as OIE), PAHO/WHO. The Development Law Service (LEGN) has been heavily involved in this project by supporting the process of knowledge development and analysis of how to address AMR in national legislation. 

As a concluding step in this process, on October 25th, 2022, a workshop was organised and hosted by LEGN with seven countries from Latin America, namely, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.  Over 30 participants from the seven countries attended the workshop, where LEGN provided an overview of the main results and conclusions obtained during the implementation of the project at the national level. With this, participants were able to engage in an active dialogue and discuss the specific recommendations for regulatory options linked to the life cycle of antimicrobials.

Participants also considered emerging best practices for strengthening national legislation, through the identification and understanding of key elements related to combatting AMR. Finally, the participants were able to exchange national experiences, reflections on what has been accomplished so far, and ideas for future development. Importantly, consensus was reached on the need to avoid legal fragmentation and on the advantages of firmly anchoring the existence and functioning of multisectoral AMR governance structures in the law.

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