
Second Virtual Regional Training Workshop on the use of Legislative Guide and Diagnostic Tool for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries


12-15 April 2021: the second virtual regional training workshop on the use of the Legislative Guide and the Policy and Legal Diagnostic Tool for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries was held as part of the collaboration between LEGN, the Fisheries Policy, Economics and Institutions Branch of FAO (NFIF) and the One Ocean Hub. Over 50 representatives from Ghana, Namibia and South Africa, ranging from national fisheries authorities, research institutes, Universtities, and small-scale fishers’ representatives participated in the workshop. It was an enriching knowledge-exchange experience through which participants shared their views and clarified questions about various issues, including the policy and legal aspects relevant for SSF.

The aim of this workshop was to improve the knowledge of participants on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines through the development of appropriate policy and legal frameworks, to train them on how to use the SSF Legislative Guide and the SSF Policy and Legal Diagnostic Tool for this purpose, and to promote discussions on the completion of the SSF Guidelines Policy and Legal Checklist.