
New FAO publication: "Legal frameworks for sustainable school feeding. A dialogue from the Latin American and Caribbean perspective”


In June 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a new publication focused on legal frameworks for sustainable school feeding in Latin America and the Caribbean. This publication was developed within the framework of a school feeding project of the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation Programme, with technical support from the Development Law Service of the Legal Office 

The publication is targeted at stakeholders such as parliamentarians, policy makers, and individuals interested in providing adequate legal frameworksto support school feeding programmes, which are essential to ensure the human right to adequate and healthy food in the school environment is achieved. It highlights the fundamental elements for the development and implementation of these legal frameworks. FAO emphasizes the importance of establishing robust legal frameworks to support school feeding as a sustainable State policy over time. 

Examples of school feeding laws in Brazil, Guatemala, and Honduras are presented, highlighting how each country addresses variables proposed by the FAO through their provisions, according to their specific needs and goals.Additionally, key principles that should be considered when drafting these laws, including planning, community participation, and food quality, are identified. The case of El Salvador is highlighted as a relevant experience in the construction of a legal and normative framework. The publication summarizes the main lessons learned and challenges in the region. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are presented to enhance school feeding programmes. 

It is expected that this initiative will contribute to improving the nutrition and well-being of students, thereby supporting efforts to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. 

Link to the publication (available only in Spanish): https://www.fao.org/documents/card/es/c/cc6140es