LEGN takes part in the Bali 10th World Water Forum

The 10th World Water Forum, Bali, Indonesia (18-25 May 2024), is an event that takes place every three years and brings together international policy and science experts on water.
There is clear recognition now that water governance frameworks, including legal and institutional frameworks, are crucial for supporting and helping to coordinate various sectors into an integrated water management approach.
Mr Rudolph Hupperts of the Development Law Service (LEGN) was part of the FAO delegation led by the Land and Water Division (NSL). In addition to highlighting LEGN's mandate to provide technical legal support to FAO Members who wish to improve their legislation on the management of freshwater resources, both national and transboundary. he underscored how the AQUALEX database is well-positioned to support efforts in this regard and in the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
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