Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo


On International Human Rights Day, which marks the adoption on 10 December 1948 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, we celebrate the achievements by all members of the international community – States, organizations, companies, civil society, researches, individuals, etc. – towards...
El 2 de diciembre de 2021, el Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo de la FAO (LEGN), FAO Chile y la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH), como parte del sistema de Naciones Unidas en Chile, llevaron a cabo un...
The waters of the Pacific Island Countries (PIC) are home to numerous aquatic species that are listed in the CITES Appendices, and which support livelihoods and economic opportunities for communities in over a dozen Parties to the Convention. The sustainable...
On 13 October 2021, the FAO Development Law Service, in collaboration with Université Laval, WHO, UNICEF, IDLO and UN Nutrition, held a successful Side Event at the 49th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on ‘Human Rights,...
  In this issue: World Food Day Lecture – Transformative Change: the law as a driver of better agri-food systems Transforming agri-food systems Enhancing the impact and accessibility of legal knowledgeToo many cooks spoil the broth? The case of ocean governance Protecting pollinators from...