Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a new report on ‘International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human, animal and plant sectors’. The report...
Las cifras más recientes de la FAO muestran que alrededor del 14% de los alimentos producidos a nivel global se pierde y esto ocurre en cualquier momento entre la etapa posterior a la cosecha hasta la etapa minorista (sin incluirla)....
The latest FAO statistics show us that around 14 percent of food produced globally is lost and this can occur anywhere between the post-harvest stage and up until the retail stage (not including it). For Latin America, this equates to...
In this issue: AMR-lex – Legislation relevant for antimicrobial resistance AQUALEX- a versatile database for rules and policies affecting the water sector. FISHLEX: a database providing easy access to national fishing requirements NALO Database: A FAOLEX Subset on Aquaculture legislation PORTLEX: A Subset of FAOLEX...
In November and December 2020, the second and third online regional workshops on the use of the Diagnostic Tool on Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries through policy and legal frameworks (EAF Legal Diagnostic Tool) were held as part of...