The Development Law Service

The Development Law Service and the Right to adequate food and nutrition


On the day of commemoration of the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948, celebrated annually as Human Rights Day on 10 December, LEGN showcases its contribution to FAO’s key role in the advancement of the right to adequate food and nutrition at global, regional and national levels.

FAO promotes a cross-cutting human rights-based approach to food security and nutrition that strengthens legal, policy and institutional environments. In support thereof, LEGN continues to provide a wide range of legal technical services and products, including knowledge and capacity development products and legal technical assistance to FAO Members.

The Voluntary Guidelines to support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Food in the context of national food security is a landmark commitment endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and adopted by FAO Council and is a practical tool to help implement the right to adequate food, which are founded on human rights principles.

Click the links listed below to access our products:

  • Temporary special measures to achieve gender equality. How can we accelerate the achievement of gender equality in practice? Temporary special measures are an underused tool that can make a significant difference in the fight against inequalities in access, use and control over resources. Look at this paper and keep an eye out for the upcoming legal brief on TSMs.
  • Applying coherently the human rights framework to small-scale fisheries for achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals. FAO, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the collaborative research initiative One Ocean Hub have been collaborating to raise awareness of the full scope of the human rights framework applicable to small-scale fisheries. Building on this collaboration, this policy brief aims to clarify the scope of the international human rights framework, including the corresponding State obligations, and to highlight how the coherent protection of these rights supports the realization of multiple Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • Notaries and gender equality. What can notaries and legal service providers do to help achieve gender equality and SDG indicator 5.a.2? Exercising due diligence means identifying and protecting the rights and interests of women and daughters. Here are some quick and easy steps that notaries can take to make a difference.  
  • E-learning on “The right to adequate food for all". This course for the general public aims to disseminate fundamental notions on the right to adequate food. The course is a response to the identification of the need to strengthen general knowledge about the existence and content of the human right to adequate food and its importance in the lives of all human beings.
  • School food and nutrition and children’s right to adequate food. LEGN provides technical support for the promotion of legal frameworks for school food and nutrition and for the development of regulatory frameworks on nutritional standards and guidelines for school meals to ensure the realization of the right to adequate food for every child and adolescent in the school setting. 
  • What do we mean by community-based sustainable wildlife management? This Technical Brief defines the SWM Programme’s key components necessary to achieve robust community-based sustainable wildlife management. The components focus on understanding the environment and resources, community rights, governance, management, and reducing rural dependency on unsustainable natural resource use.