The Development Law Service

LEGN on key regulatory mechanisms used to control feed quality and production


Feed legislation plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and quality of food and feed products, enhancing animal health, welfare, and disease resilience, and regulating the agricultural industry. It also addresses environmental concerns, such as sustainable ingredient use and feed waste management, while facilitating trade in feed and animal products through harmonized standards, thus promoting global market access.

To attain these objectives, feed legislation must encompass all feed and all stages of the feed life cycle, from production to disposal. It must also acknowledge producers’ responsibility for feed safety and quality and establish appropriate mechanisms for public-private collaboration in setting and enforcing feed standards.

The Development Law Service of the FAO Legal Office (LEGN) provides tailored support to countries and regional organizations for feed legislation development and implementation. This support is multidisciplinary and combines technical and legal assistance, in line with each country’s priorities and policy objectives. LEGN also maintains FAOLEX, a comprehensive database of food and agriculture policies and legislation, which includes specific keywords for feed and feed additives.

Furthermore, LEGN collaborates with the Quadripartite to address the implications of feed legislation on antimicrobial resistance. Together, they have developed a One Health Legislative Assessment Tool for AMR, to be launched on 28 November. This tool includes a section on feed legislation to assist countries in evaluating their general feed legislation, and more specifically the regulation of medicated feed.

On November 15, 2023, LEGN was invited to join the Governance Panel at the Global Forum for Animal Feed and Feed Regulators. Carmen Bullón, Legal Officer in LEGN, presented on the importance of feed legislation, and the key regulatory mechanisms used to control feed quality and production. She also recalled the availability of FAOLEX, which includes two keywords relevant to feed and feed additives. As the Director of Animal Health and Production, Dr Thanawat Tiensin, said in his closing remarks, FAO will continue to support the collection of feed legislation through FAOLEX and the revision and strengthening of feed legislation upon the request of its Members.

For more information contact Carmen Bullon at [email protected]