
Agricultural value chain actors meet to establish Agribusiness Development Forum

(c) FAO Liberia


Gbarnga: Weak agriculture extension and research institutions linkages and lack of coordination mechanisms among various agricultural value chain actors, including agribusiness, aggregators, processors agro-dealers,  NGOs and other actors, are the major bottleneck in realizing the country’s productive potentials and improving rural livelihoods.

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) with the funding support of the European Union (EU) held a two-day meeting  in Gbarnga City, Bong County between 9 and 10 February 2023 to establish Agribusiness Development Forum.

The meeting brought together 40 participants and agribusiness practitioners such as heads of the five agribusiness centers in the four project locations (Bomi, Margibi, Bong and Nimba counties), the heads of the value chain sub-sector leaders (Cassava sub-sectors coordinator, and Palm oil producers Association), Agro-dealers, and Cooperatives to facilitate the networking and collaborations among key value chains in the country.

Key participants also included the Deputy Minister of Agriculture for the Department of Regional Development for Research  and Extension (DRDRE) , Director of Extension of MOA, the City Mayor of Gbarnga, the representative from European Union, the Director General of CARI, the representative from the Marketing Division of MOA, representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Cooperative Development Agency  (CDA) and County Agriculture Coordinators (CAC) from the four selected counties, among others.

The meeting provided space for participants to share knowledge and agribusiness opportunities and to establish connections for future collaborations along the value chains.


Hon. Lucia Helbert, the City Mayor of Gbarnga, in her opening remarks, welcomed the organization of the forum, which would help close the gap between producers and other value chain and agribusiness actors.

 Mr. Abegaz Hassen Ali, the FAO project coordinator,  speaking on behalf of Madam Mariatou Njie, the FAO Representative in Liberia,   noted that FAO is working with the Government of Liberia in providing technical assistance on increased smallholder production, facilitate food security and improved nutrition.

In his presentation, Dr. George Tee Forpoh, the Deputy Minister for DRDRE, MOA, thanked EU and FAO for the unwavering support the Government of Liberia, and reiterated the importance of agriculture in advancing the goal for national development and food security with the necessity for farmers to work together rather than alone.

Complementing Deputy Minister Forpoh, Mr. Edward Perry, Director of Agriculture extension of MOA expressed happiness that the team is making progress in bringing different sectors together and thanked the participants for active participation. 

Mr. Mitchell Freeman, County Inspector,  representing  the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, suggested that coordination between farmers and other actors in the agriculture value chain be continued and encouraged.

“We must bring meaningful changes to what we want to see,” said Dr. Victor H. Sumo, the General of CARI, encouraging the participants to invest in agriculture at private and public levels.

The agreement to establish a multisectoral Agribusiness Development Forum represents an important and concrete step toward the sustainable and efficient agrifood systems in the country.

At the next meeting, the participants will further discuss the proper structure and identify the forum coordinator.


About the project

The project “Linking Extension and Research to Farmers for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition,” funded by the EU, aims at supporting the legislation and implementation of the National Policies for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services and Strategic Plan of CARI, in the development of their organizational and managerial capacities at the system level in line with the country and the global goals to enhance agricultural productivity, increase incomes, and improve livelihoods for smallholders. FAO Liberia through the project continues to support , and working with key institutions and actors including MOA, CARI and business centers focusing on  the four selected areas of value chain development, cassava, rice, vegetable, and cocoa.


Comprehensive assessment of national agricultural research and extension systems with a special focus on institutional linkages between various actors in Liberia: