
Collaborative Field Assessment in Liberia Highlights Progress and Opportunities for the Human Security Program

HSU-LSE Team Engages Cooperative Development Beneficiaries


Bong County, Liberia – A mission from the Human Security Unit (HSU) and the London School of Economics (LSE) recently conducted a comprehensive field assessment from May 20-23, 2024, in Foequelleh, a community in Liberia's North-Central Region. The assessment aimed to evaluate the implementation of the UN Human Security Trust Fund (UNHSTF) program, which focuses on building resilience among vulnerable groups, particularly youth and women, through innovative solutions and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Arriving on May 19, the mission was warmly welcomed by the Joint Programme Implementation Team (PIT) at a ceremony in the FAO conference room. The National Project Coordinator expressed appreciation for their visit and introduced the team members. Following a briefing with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security, the mission proceeded to Foequelleh to engage directly with local stakeholders.

Foequelleh was selected for its representation of all three outcomes of the program: Smart Village initiatives, resilience-building efforts, and the dissemination of Human Security concepts. The team engaged with local authorities, women’s groups, youth leaders, and direct project beneficiaries, conducting interviews and group discussions to gather firsthand insights on the project's progress.

During their visit, the HSU-LSE team also explored potential collaborations with private sector actors to enhance the effectiveness of human security initiatives. The assessment successfully identified gaps in project implementation and areas for potential partnership, ensuring that the program can meet its sustainability and impact goals as it approaches completion in May 2025.

The assessment underscored both significant achievements and critical areas for improvement, reinforcing the program's commitment to addressing the complex challenges faced by vulnerable populations in Liberia. With the ongoing support of UN agencies, civil society organizations, and local partners, the program aims to enhance human security by fostering community-driven development through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and innovative approaches.

As the mission concluded its activities, stakeholders expressed optimism about the future of the program and its potential to uplift communities in Liberia's North-Central region. The program seeks to ensure that all community members, especially the most vulnerable, benefit from increased access to essential services, economic opportunities, and improved quality of life in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The collaborative effort between the HSU and LSE exemplifies a commitment to empowering individuals and transforming communities through strategic partnerships and targeted interventions, setting a precedent for future initiatives in human security across the globe.