
FAO donates Logistics to MoA

FAO Representative Madam Mariatou Njie handover keys of the two motocycles to Moses R. Gbanyan, Regional Agriculture Coordinator for three regions (Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties)


Monrovia- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in response to urgent logistical needs at the decentralized level, turned over two Yamaha motorbikes and accessories to the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Agriculture. This gesture is intended to support effective extension and provision of advisory services to rural farmers in Lofa County specifically Foya, Voinjama, Quardu-Gboni, Kolahun, Zorzor and Salayea Districts.

The FAO Representative in Liberia, Madam Mariatou Njie, turned over the motorcycles and accessories to the MoA Regional Agriculture Coordinator (RAC) for Region Three (Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties), Mr. Moses R. Gbanyan. In attendance, also, were Henry T. Darkolon, County Agriculture Coordinator (CAC) and Assistant FAO Representative for Programme, Mr. Octavius T. Quarbo.

Delivering the items on behalf of FAO, Madam Mariatou Njie said that it is FAO’s mandate to work toward assuring that all people have physical and economic access to healthy and nutritional food to live an active, healthy and longer lives. She assured the MoA that “FAO remains committed in supporting the government of Liberia in the areas of agriculture, fishery, forestry, as well as food and nutrition security.”

She encouraged the extension officers to use the motorbikes for its intended purpose to ensure an effective and efficient delivery of essential research findings, knowledge, technology and useful practices to farmers so as to ensure they have the know-how to increase production and productivity, increase their incomes and most importantly improve food and nutrition security.

Receiving the items on behalf of the MoA, RAC Moses R. Gbanyan, hailed the FAO family for continued support to the work of MoA in fighting hunger and poverty.

“We are extremely grateful for these motorbikes, as they will help to enhance our work. FAO has been a longstanding partner to the MoA; and whenever there is urgent need for support, FAO fills the gap”, concluded Mr. Gbanyan.

For his part, CAC Darkolon assured that the motorbikes would be used to follow-up on project activities and to extend necessary knowledge and advice to farmers to boost farmers’ technical capacity for increased Productivity. He noted that despite the many challenges faced, the extension technicians are salvaging meagre resources to ensure that farmers’ productive capacity is improved.

“We are excited and delighted that FAO has come with this donation to strengthen the work of the Ministry. We look forward to a more productive working relationship”, the CAC concluded.

Essence of the support

The donation by FAO to the MoA is intended to urgently fill in existing logistical gaps and enhance mobility of MoA extension officers in coordinating the projects “Integrated sustainable rice system development” and “Sustaining peace and improving social cohesion through the promotion of rural employment”. The two initiatives are as the result of financial support from the Government of Japan and the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. These logistics will also be used to support the implementation of the newly begun project “Promoting Increased Resilience and Sustainable Income Generation, Food Security and Nutrition for Rural Women” funded by the United Arab Emirate which targets Foya, Kolahun and parts of Quardu-Gboni districts – all in Lofa County.