
FAO-ECTAD attends the graduation ceremony of Community Animal Health Workers at the University of Liberia

Left, FAO Country Rep Madam Mariatou Njie, Right, CAHW Graduate


Monrovia, Liberia - November 14, 2020 – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), attended the graduation ceremony of Community Animal Health Workers at the University of Liberia. The training was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with ECTAD, the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Liberia. This graduation represents the second batch of 30 community animal health workers to complete the program under the One Health approach.

In attendance was FAO’s Country Representative Madam Mariatou Njie, ECTAD’s Country Lead Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Joseph Anderson, President of the University of Liberia, Dr. Julius Nelson, and Madam Fatma Soud, USAID Focal Person. Each member presented certificates and Madam Njie distributed veterinary field kits and drugs to the graduates. She also stated, ’’ the FAO-ECTAD GHSA project on animal health supports the government in improving the animal health capacity in infrastructure development and human resource through training”.

This second batch of graduates shows FAO’s continued commitment to its partnership and technical cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the government of Liberia.

Media Contact:

Mr. Michael Cooper

Communications Specialist


Email: [email protected]