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Scanned full-text documents written by and about John Boyd Orr:

By Boyd Orr:

As I recall
London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1966.

"Can Mankind Make Good?"
Survey Graphic. 37.3 (1948): 97-98.

Feeding the People in War-Time
London: MacMillan and Co., 1940.

Fighting for What?: To 'Billy Boy' and all the other boys killed in the war
London: MacMillan and Co., 1942.

"Food and the People."
London: Pilot Press Ltd., 1943.

Food Health and Income: Report on a survey of adequacy of diet in relation to income
London: MacMillan and Co., 1936.

Health, Agriculture and the Standard of Living.
A speech given on Feb. 24, 1939 in London

"Scotland as it is." 
Chapter from "The Scotland of our Sons"
London: Alexander Maclehose and Co., 1937.  64-83.

"Scotland as it Might Be."
Chapter from "The Scotland of our Sons"
London: Alexander Maclehose and Co., 1937.  84-109.

A Short History of British Agriculture
London: Oxford University Press, 1922.

Acceptance Speech for position of first Director-General of the FAO.
Proceedings, Eighth Plenary Meeting of the First Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 27, 1945.

Proposals for a World Food Board and World Food Survey (compiled by FAO under Boyd Orr as DG).
Rome: FAO, 1946

The White Man's Dilemma.

London: UNWIN Books, 1965

FAO Staff Association Bulletin.

FAO: Quebec, 1948

About Boyd Orr:

Food Science in the Future." Chemistry and Industry. 59.21 (1940): 356-359.

John Boyd Orr, Baron Boyd Orr of Brechin Mearns, 1880-1971
London: Headley Brothers, 1972.