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FAO document reproduction



David Lubin Memorial Library provides copies of FAO documents and out-of-print publications in electronic (PDF) format. This service is available on a cost recovery basis at the following rates:

  • Document reproduction (print or digital): US$20.00 for the first 30 pages and US$0.30/page beyond that.
  • Items already digitized can be obtained for a US$20.00 flat rate.

Requests can be submitted by email to [email protected] by specifying:

  • Name
  • Status (student, researcher, professor, librarian)
  • Institute/University affiliated to
  • Country of residence

Payment methods

  1. Bank account : For wire transfer please see bank details.
    US Dollar Account - IT14Y0569603229VARUS0003001  SWIFT : PO SO IT 22
    (kindly include in the note that the payment is for : DOC No. *** LIBRARY REPR.)
  2. Cheque made out to :
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Send Registered Mail to :
    David Lubin Memorial Library
    Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
    00153 Rome, ITALY
  3. IFLA Vouchers (libraries only)

Note: The FAO Library offers documents free of charge to the countries that are part of the Research 4 Life Programme up to 15 documents (Group A) and 5 documents (Group B). https://www.research4life.org/access/eligibility/

Due to the copyright, the library retains the right to determine the propotion of a document to be reproduced.