Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

N.42: April 2016

Published: 16/05/2016

Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development was in progress in Azerbaijan and in all Central Asian (CA) countries, except in Turkmenistan where fledging had already occurred. Italian Locust (CIT) hatching started in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. So far, no Asian Migratory Locust (LMI) hatching was reported. During the forecast period, DMA life cycle will come to an end in most of the CA countries, while fledging will occur in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia. CIT hopper development will continue in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and start in Georgia and Russia. More than 217 000 ha were treated against DMA and CIT infestations in April.