Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

N.44: June 2016

Published: 15/07/2016

Moroccan Locust (DMA) adult stage was reached in all Central Asian (CA) countries as well as in Azerbaijan. Italian Locust (CIT) hopper development was coming to an end in Georgia and Russia while fledging started in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and mating was in progress in Tajikistan. Migratory Locust (LMI) hopper development continued in Kazakhstan and Russia while fledging probably started in Uzbekistan. As per information received, control operations continued in Azerbaijan and Georgia as well as in six CA countries. In June, a bit more than 1.7 million ha were treated against the three locust pests - mainly against CIT, which represents almost 71% of the area treated in June 2015.