Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia


Topic: Locust situations
Hot and dry weather conditions prevailed throughout the region. Moroccan Locust (DMA) life cycle came to an end in southern Central Asian (CA) countries and probably also in Azerbaijan while breeding was in progress in...
Topic: Locust situations
Weather conditions were globally suitable for locust development throughout the region. As a result, DMA breeding was in progress in all Central Asian (CA) countries and probably also in Azerbaijan and Georgia. At the beginning...
Topic: Locust situations
Weather conditions, which were unsuitable for locusts in early spring, continued to locally delay or hamper their development but recent warming up of temperatures boosted Moroccan Locust (DMA) adult appearance. As a result, DMA fledging...
Topic: Locust situations
Due to poor weather conditions for locusts, hatching of the three locust pests was delayed everywhere as compared to 2016 and therefore the situation is still relatively calm. Nevertheless, Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development was in...
Topic: Locust situations
Moroccan Locust (DMA) hatching is starting slowly in southern Central Asian countries, namely Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as a consequence of prolonged cool temperatures and rains. During the forecast period, DMA hatching followed by...