Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia


Topic: Locust situations
In July, the situation related to the Italian (CIT) and the Asian Migratory (LMI) locusts was still worrying particularly in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia. These two locust pests were generally at the adult stage...
Topic: Locust situations
In June, the locust situation deteriorated further in Caucasus as well as in northern Central Asian countries. While the life cycle of Moroccan Locust (DMA) that survived previous control operations was coming to an...
Topic: Locust situations
In May, the Moroccan Locust (DMA) fledged in four out of the five countries in which it was already present in April, namely Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and hoppers appeared in three more countries,...
Topic: Locust situations
Due to slightly delayed locust hatching in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA), in addition to Afghanistan, only three other countries started control operations. Hence, a total of 135 000 ha were treated in April against...
Topic: Locust situations
Due to lower than usual temperatures, locust hatching in Caucasus and Central Asia is delayed and expected at later dates than usual. Only in Afghanistan the hatching of Moroccan Locust (DMA) has already...