Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia


Topic: Annual workshops
Report Technical Workshop on locusts in CCA, 2013
Topic: Locust situations
The locust situation was calm in Caucasian and Central Asian (CCA) countries as remaining adults progressively disappeared with the exception of Armenia, where Italian Locust (CIT) mating was still observed. No control...
Topic: Locust situations
The locust situation was generally calm in Caucasian and Central Asian (CCA) countries as a result of the intense and large-scale control operations previously carried out mainly up until the end of...
Topic: Locust situations
The situation improved in July as a result of intense and large-scale control operations. In addition, with fledging of the three locust pests, the 2013 locust campaign came to an end in...
Topic: Locust situations
The situation deteriorated during May in all Caucasian and Central Asian countries where mass hatching  of Italian (CIT) and Asian Migratory locusts (LMI) occurred, resulting in an increase or extension of the hopper...