Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia


Topic: Locust situations
Moroccan Locust (DMA) lifecycle came to an end in most parts of Central Asia (CA); fledging, mating and egg-laying continued in some parts as well as in Caucasus. Due to increased number of DMA populations...
Topic: Survey
A joint survey covering a total of 44 000 ha in Lebap, Turkmenistan, and Kashkadarya, Uzbekistan, was conducted on 31 May-4 June between the Plant Protection Service, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection,...
Topic: Locust situations
Moroccan Locust (DMA) fledging, mating and egglaying started in most areas of Central Asia (CA), with swarm flights, including...
Topic: Regional cooperation
As biopesticides have a key role to play in anti-locust campaigns respectful of human health and the environment, a demonstration/trial on their use against locusts was held by FAO to the benefit of...
Topic: Survey
Kyrgyz and Uzbek Locust Experts carried out a cross-border survey in Ferghana Valley on 16-19 May 2023. Four staff of the Department of Chemicalization, Plant Protection and Quarantine (DCPPQ), Ministry of Agriculture, Kyrgyzstan,...