FAO in Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles


03 August 2021
Innovative farmers in Madagascar have turned COVID-19 into a business opportunity It is true to say that the COVID-19 has turned the world on its head over the past 18 months. The pandemic has thrown up particular challenges for rural forest and farm producers whose way of life has been turned...
02 August 2021
Pour une harmonisation de l’utilisation et de la gestion durables des engrais et un meilleur accès des agriculteurs aux engrais à prix compétitif et aux bonnes normes de qualité.   Lundi 2 août 2021, Madagascar/Antananarivo –Un atelier de lancement du projet d’appui de la FAO au développement d'un cadre réglementaire harmonisé sur...
30 July 2021
Support for cocoa farmers in Madagascar kicks off Next time you bite into a square of fairtrade chocolate, stop a moment to reflect on where your sweet treat has come from. About six million people around the world depend on farming cocoa for their livelihoods. One of those cocoa-producing countries is Madagascar,...
22 July 2021
A consultative workshop is organized by the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security on the development of a strategic plan for the Tea sector based on the Forward-looking Business Model for the Mauritian Tea Industry proposed by FAO   July 22, 2021 – Mauritius/Port-Louis – Recently, the Government of Mauritius decided to...
15 July 2021
Un appel d’urgence a été lancé à l’attention des partenaires de ressources afin de financer rapidement la réponse à la résurgence acridienne   Antananarivo, 15 juillet 2021 – Madagascar est touché par divers facteurs qui impactent fortement la sécurité alimentaire des populations, leurs moyens d’existence, ainsi que le secteur agricole. En effet,...