شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentSector development measures
DescriptionAdded coconut palm to the purview of the country’s National Tree Crop Development Authority. The body would be mandated to develop and regulate production, processing, marketing and export of coconut products.
NotesSector development measures – Ghana (coconut): According to media reports, coconut palm has been added to the purview of Ghana’s National Tree Crop Development Authority (NTCDA), a body set up under the country’s National Tree Crops Development Bill of December 2019. Accordingly, NTCDA will be mandated to develop and regulate production, processing, marketing and export of coconut products. Reportedly, the agency would focus its attention on business development, employment creation and livelihood opportunities along the country’s coconut value chain. On a separate note, in February, Trade Ministry officials and representatives of the country’s coconut associations and banks paid a visit to an Indonesian supplier of coconut products with a view to develop commercial ties. (See also MPPU May’19)