شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentPrice controls
DescriptionMade various commodities, including local and imported rice, subject to Suggested Retail Prices (SRPs). In the case of rice supplied by the National Food Authority, the SRP was set at PHP 27 (USD 0.53) per kg. For local regular milled rice, the SRP was at PHP 33 (USD 0.65) per kg, while the SRP was set at PHP 40 (USD 0.79) per kg of local well-milled rice, at PHP 45 (USD 0.89) per kg of local premium rice and at PHP 53 (USD 1.05) per kg for local special rice. In the case of imported rice, SRPs of PHP 39, 40, 42 and 51 (USD 0.77, 0.79, 0.83, and 1.01) were set per kg of regular, well-milled, premium and special rice, respectively. The decision became effective 17 April 2020.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 May 2020.