شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support, support prices
DescriptionIssued operational rules for the Guarantee Prices for Basic Foodstuffs Programme (Programa precios de garantía a productos alimentarios básicos) during the 2021 fiscal year. According to the document, for the 2020/21 autumn-winter and 2021/22 spring-summer crop cycles, the guaranteed price for paddy would remain set at MXN 6 120 (USD 308) per tonne. Eligible producers would receive the difference between this guaranteed price and a reference price established by the state entity SEGALMEX (Seguridad Alimentaria Mexicana) for up to 120 tonnes. For volumes exceeding 120 tonnes, and up to 300 tonnes, producers would receive the equivalent of 50 percent of the difference between the guaranteed price and the reference price set by SEGALMEX.