شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentAgricultural policies
DescriptionLaunched a stimulus and compensation scheme for small- and medium-scale soybean farmers, allocating ARS 11 550 million (USD 123 million) to the programme.
NotesARGENTINA – agricultural policy: On 2 November, the Agricultural Ministry launched a stimulus and compensation scheme for small and medium-scale soybean farmers. Reportedly, around 40 percent of Argentina\'s soybean producers would receive compensation payments that will be calculated based on declared tonnage sold and hectares planted in 2019, with caps of ARS 20 million (USD 234 thousand) and 400 hectares per farmer. A total of ARS 11 550 million (USD 135 million) has been allocated to the programme.