شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
AreaChina (Mainland)
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityFeed grains and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentAgricultural policies
DescriptionLaunched a campaign to lower the content of (mostly imported) maize and soymeal, outlining options to replace maize and soymeal in feed rations by alternative grains and meals. The measure reflects the Government’s increased focus on domestic food security, after the COVID-19 pandemic revived concerns about the stability of domestic supplies and about China’s dependence on imports.
NotesCHINA – agricultural policy – feed policy: In March, China\'s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ministry launched a campaign to lower the content of maize and soymeal in feed rations. In a document addressed to animal feed producers and concerned government offices, the Ministry outlined options to replace maize and soymeal in feed rations by alternative grains including rice, wheat, barley, potatoes and other grains and oilseed meals. The measure reflects the Government’s increased focus on domestic food security, after the COVID-19 pandemic revived concerns about the stability of supplies and regarding China’s dependence on imports, especially of maize and soybeans.