شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
AreaEuropean Union
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommoditySelect oilcrops and oilcrop products
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentTrade differences
DescriptionIn a bid to allow both sides to focus on resolving the long-running Airbus-Boeing dispute, the EU and the United States agreed to suspend, for an initial period of four months, the retaliatory import tariffs imposed on each other’s exports starting in October 2019. The suspended measures include additional import duties on select oilcrops and oilcrop products tariff lines.
NotesBilateral trade dispute – European Union / United States of America: In March, in a bid to allow both sides to focus on resolving the long-running Airbus-Boeing dispute, the EU and the USA agreed to suspend, for an initial period of four months, the retaliatory import tariffs imposed on each other’s exports (see MPPU Jan.’21 & Sep.’20). The suspended measures include additional import duties on selected oilcrops and oilcrop products tariff lines.